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This wiki contains information about my profession and random topics of interest. First, a bit of background: I work at McMaster University and conduct research and teaching activities. My early education was in the physical sciences. During undergraduate studies, exposure to biochemistry got me interested in nucleic acids and, more broadly, molecular biology. After reading two books, 'What is life?' by Erwin Schrodinger and 'A Genetic Switch' by Mark Ptashne, I was inspired to pursue a career in biological sciences, specifically in areas of gene expression and gene regulation. Collectively, these experiences influenced my Ph.D. thesis work and subsequent research activities.

I am an expert on two leading invertebrate models, namely, fruit fly (D. melanogaster) and nematode (two related species - C. elegans and C. briggsae).

At McMaster, my laboratory uses nematodes to study projects related to reproductive system development and evolution, stress response, and aging. Besides doing research, I teach undergraduate and graduate courses related to my discipline. See the McMaster Biology page and my laboratory website for more details.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas to share, feel free to send those at bgupta~dot~bio~at~gmail~dot~com.

start.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/21 17:05 by 5omw78

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